[row][icon-column icon=”zing/strategic.png” title=”Strategic” bigtitle=1]Great results start with a great plan.

  1. Strategic marketing plans
  2. Demand generation as a strategy
  3. Promotional planning and strategy
  4. Sales planning and strategy
  5. Branding and positioning
  6. Pricing strategy and elasticity


[icon-column icon=”zing/interactive.png” title=”Interactive” bigtitle=1]

Websites, mobile apps, interactive presentation, and more.

  1. Websites
  2. Mobile applications
  3. Social media applications
  4. Web-based applications
  5. Software development
  6. Search engine optimization


[icon-column icon=”zing/promotional.png” title=”Promotional” bigtitle=1]

Sales promotions that actually drive new sales.

  1. Promotion development
  2. Strategic planning
  3. Management and implementation




[icon-column icon=”zing/advertising.png” title=”Advertising” bigtitle=1]

Planning, media buying, media auditing, and more.

  1. Planning
  2. Purchasing
  3. Auditing


[icon-column icon=”zing/design.png” title=”Design” bigtitle=1]

Full-service design for the Internet, print, and everything in between.

  1. Direct
  2. Point of Sale
  3. Broadcast (Television & Radio)
  4. Standard Print
  5. Outdoor
  6. New media (Internet, search, social)
  7. Sponsorship / Event
  8. Brand Standards & other advertising/marketing guides


[icon-column icon=”zing/public-relations.png” title=”Public Relations” bigtitle=1]

Get noticed with story generation, crisis management, and news releases.

  1. Story generation
  2. Crisis preparation and response
  3. Press releases





Some Examples of Our Work



Custom Promotions

Promotional mailer for RTI is a featured part of an organized campaign targeting potential customers with visually appealing theme.


Responsive Site Design

Website rebranding & update for Martin Systems focus on message delivery & motivating call to action.





Print Promotions

Intriguing content engages readers as part of a marketing strategy for Klein Auto that featured a variety of thoughtful and timely articles.


3D Mailers

A clever promotional idea integrates a unique gift item with well targeted packaging branded for a campaign for OneNeck IT Solutions.

